Спектакль на английском языке «Пряничный человечек»

Автор: Лесникова Вера Гурьевна

Организация: ГБОУ Школа №218

Населенный пункт: г. Москва

The Gingerbread Man

The Cast:  Storyteller I

                  Storyteller II

                  Gingerbread Man



                  A little boy

                  A little girl






Storyteller I: Once upon a time there lived a granny, a grandpa, a little girl and a little boy.

Storyteller II: They lived in a house in a forest. One morning they were having dinner…

Grandpa: Tomorrow is my birthday. Can you bake me anything out of gingerbread?

Granny: Of course, I will make something out of gingerbread for you.

A little boy: Can you make a nice small boy out of gingerbread?

Granny: This is a good idea. You will have a brother.

A little girl: How wonderful! We will play and run with him.

Grandpa: And he will help us in the garden.

Granny: I will give him a chocolate jacket.

Grandpa: And I will give him raisins for buttons.

A little boy: And I will give him currents for eyes.

A little girl: I will give him a cherry for a mouth.

Storyteller I: Granny is making a nice small boy out of gingerbread. A little boy and a little girl are helping Granny.

Storyteller II: Gingerbread Boy is ready. Granny puts it into the oven.

Granny: For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow,

              For he’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!

Storyteller I: Gingerbread Boy is baked. He is funny and he has a lot of fun!

Gingerbread Man: Hello! I am the Gingerbread man!

Песня 1 «Run! Run! As fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

A little girl: Stop! Come back!

Gingerbread Man: Run! Run! As fast as you can,

                               You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Storyteller II: The Gingerbread Man is running out of the house. Granny, Grandpa, a little boy and a little girl are running after him. But he is very fast.

Storyteller I: Gingerbread Man meets a cow.

Storyteller II: The cow is eating grass by the roadside.

Песня 2 «I am happy. I am a cow.” 

Cow: Stop, little Gingerbread Boy! Where are you going?

Gingerbread Man: I have run away from an old woman,

                               I have run away from an old man,

                               I have run away from a little boy,

                               I have run away from a little girl,

                               I can run away from you too, I can!

Cow: You can, can’t you? We will see about that! I want to eat you!

Gingerbread Man: Run! Run! As fast as you can,

                               You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Песня 1 «Run! Run! As fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Storyteller I: Gingerbread Man runs from the cow.

Storyteller II: It meets a horse. The horse is walking in the meadow.

Песня 3 “Hop, hop, hop! Pony never stop! “ 

Horse: Stop, little Gingerbread Boy! Where are you going?

Gingerbread Man: I have run away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a little girl, a cow. I can run away from you too, I can!

Horse: You can, can’t you? We will see about that! I would like to eat you!

Gingerbread Man: Run! Run! As fast as you can,

                               You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Песня 1 «Run! Run! As fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Storyteller I: Gingerbread Man runs from the horse. It meets a bear.

Storyteller II: The bear is having fun with friends.

Песня 4 “I am a Gummy Bear!” 

Bear: Stop, little Gingerbread Boy! Where are you going?

Gingerbread Man: I have run away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a little girl, a cow, a horse. I can run away from you too, I can!

Bear: You can, can’t you? We will see about that!

Gingerbread Man: Run! Run! As fast as you can,

                               You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Песня 1 «Run! Run! As fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Storyteller I: Gingerbread Man runs from the bear.

Storyteller II: It meets a wolf. The wolf is angry.

Песня 5 “Who is afraid of a big bad wolf? Who is afraid of a big bad wolf?”

Wolf: Stop, little Gingerbread Boy! Where are you going?

Gingerbread Man: : I have run away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a little girl, a cow, a horse, a bear. I can run away from you too, I can!

Wolf: You can, can’t you? We will see about that!

Gingerbread Man: Run! Run! As fast as you can,

                               You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Песня 1 «Run! Run! As fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Storyteller I: Gingerbread Man runs from the wolf.

Storyteller II: It meets a fox. The fox is sitting on the bank of the river.

Песня 6 ”Little fox, little fox!”

Fox: Stop, little Gingerbread Boy! Where are you going?

Gingerbread Man: I have run away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a little girl, a cow, a horse, a bear and a wolf. I can run away from you too, I can!

Fox: I can’t hear you, Gingerbread Boy! Come up to me.

Gingerbread Man: I will run from you!

                               I CAN run away from you too!

Fox: I can’t hear you, Gingerbread Boy! Come up a little closer to me.

Gingerbread Man: I have run away from an old woman,

                               I have run away from an old man,

                               I have run away from a little boy,

                               I have run away from a little girl,

                               I have run away from a cow,

                               I have run away from a horse,

                               I have run away from a bear,

                               I have run away from a wolf,

                               I can run away from you too, I can!

Fox: You can, can’t you? Would you like some strawberries?

Gingerbread Man: Yes, I would like to.

Storyteller I: The fox takes away Gingerbread Boy and eats it.

Storyteller II: This is the end of the story. Thank you very much.

Опубликовано: 23.12.2017