Итоговая контрольная работа для студентов СПО неязыковых технических колледжей 1 курса по английскому языку на базе учебника Planet of English, Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А

Автор: Андреянова Елена Николаевна

Организация: ГБПОУ МО «Раменский колледж»

Населенный пункт: Московская область, г. Раменское

Control work.


The United States of America

The USA is composed of 50 states. It occupies the central part of North American continent. It borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.

The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the USA in the east and the waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the country in the west. The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean. They became the 50th state of the USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more than 200 million people.

Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA is known as the "Stars and Stripes".

The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to Mexico, but greater part of the country is a plain. There are many rivers in USA and the longest is Mississippi. The USA economy grew greatly during the world wars. In those times American monopolists got great profits.

The country is rich in mineral resources, heavy industry prevails in the USA economy, including mining, metallurgy, machine building, chemical industry. Power and food industries are well developed too.

The USA is the federative republic. The president is the head of the state. He is also commander-in-chief of army and navy. The highest legislative organ in the country is the congress, which consists of the senate and House of Representatives.

Задание №1. Переведите письменно данные слова согласно тексту.

to be composed of, to border, total, capital, known as, during, profit, mineral resources, power, commander-in-chief.

Задание №2. Определите, верное утверждение или нет.

1.The USA is composed of 55 states. 2.It occupies the central part of South American continent. 3.It borders on Mexico in the north and on Canada in the south. 4.The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean. 5.The population is more than 300 million people. 6.Belfast is the capital of the USA. 7.English is the official language. 8.There are many mountains in USA. 9.The USA economy grew greatly during the last years. 10.Power and food industries are well developed too.


Задание № 1. Выберите из скобок нужную форму.

1.Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim (study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse.

Задание № 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Cana­da?2. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States? 3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia. 4. The London underground is the (old) in the world. 5. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia. 6. St. Petersburg is one of the (beau­tiful) cities in the world. 7. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England. 8. The is­land of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland. 9. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia? 10. The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of Gibraltar.

Задание №3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильном времени.

1.What your neighbours (to do) yesterday? 2.Mr. Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning. 3.His wife (not to water) plants in the garden. 4.Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball. 5.In the evening their boys (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV. 6.Their little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile). 7.Her brothers (not to shout) at her. 8.Mrs. Smith (to work) in the kitch­en. 9.She (to bake) a delicious apple pie. 10.When she (to cook)  dinner yesterday?

Задание № 4. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / can / should / may)

1.I have some free time. I ______ help her now. 2.I ______ drive Susan's car when she is out of town. 3.______ I have a glass of water? 4.Anyone ______ become rich and famous if they know the right people. 5.You ______ go to this party. It's very important. 6.Bird ______ be known by its song. 7.He is coming here so that they ______ discuss it without delay. 8.It's late. You ______ go to bed. 9.He ______ have told me about it himself.


Задание №1 .Выберите слова, противоположные по значению(антонимы):

  1. busy( a. free; b. white; c. comfortable)
  2. to give(a. to put; b. to take; c. to show)
  3. low( a. comfortable; b. high; c. modern)
  4. to stand up( a. to sit; b. to sit down; c. to stand)
  5. to be over( a. to begin; b. to say again; c. to be late)
  6. there ( a. in front of; b. here; c. around)
  7. much ( a. a lot of; b. little; c. few)
  8. small ( a. many; b. a few; c. little)
  9. many ( a. much; b. a few; c. little)

Задание №2. Выберите правильные предлоги on, in, at (предлоги времени)

1.I have my gym class _______ Wednesdays. 2.I started work this morning _______ 8 am. 3.Are you going away______ Easter? 4.Moira's birthday is ______September, 24. 5.We're flying to Beijing _____ June 2nd. 6.Please visit me ______ Sunday. 7.My flight is_______ Monday. 8.Mary went on holiday ______ Monday.

Задание №3. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Ваша семья маленькая? 2.Он лучший студент в нашей группе 3.Мой друг работает в школе. 4.Погода вчера была плохая. 5.Он вернется в понедельник. 6.Когда мы вошли в комнату, он читал книгу. 7.Можно я возьму вашу ручку? 8.На том столе нет цветов.

Задание № 4. Запишите время буквами.

2.05, 3.10, 5.15, 7.20, 9.25, 11.30, 13.35, 20.50, 22.55, 23.00.

Writing .Напишите сочинение на английском языке на тему «My plans for the summer holidays» (7-9 предложений).

Перечень литературы для подготовки к занятию:


1.Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для учреждений СПО. - 2020

2.Бескоровайная Г.Т. Planet of English. Учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО; - 2021

Опубликовано: 10.06.2023