Англия – увлекательная страна

Автор: Шашкова Марина Андреевна

Организация: МКОУ «Покоснинская СОШ»

Населенный пункт: Иркутская область, с. Покосное

Цели и задачи:

- знакомство учащихся с культурой и историческим наследием Соединённого Королевства

- развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся в условиях игровой ситуации

- расширение запаса имеющихся знаний в области литературы, географии, истории и страноведения


Предварительная работа:

Участникам команд и болельщикам за неделю до игры дается задание повторить, прочитать, найти новый материал о Соединенном Королевстве, подготовить цветные эмблемы или символы стран (Шотландии, Англии, Уэльса, Северной Ирландии), таблицы с условием оценок для членов жюри. Подготовить музыкальное и наглядное оформление игры. ( презентация вопросов). В жюри приглашаются ученики, хорошо  знающие английский язык.


Описание игры

Игра построена на страноведческом материале и состоит из 4-х раундов. В каждом раунде командам по очереди задаются вопросы. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 1 балл. Побеждает команда, набравшая наибольшее количество баллов. Между раундами проводятся конкурсы на знание английских рифмовок, пословиц, стихов, загадок. Жюри определяет не только правильный ответ, но и правильное английское произношение и минимальное время на обдумывание.


Наименование раундов:

-1-й раунд-14 вопросов-«History»

-2-й раунд-12 вопросов-« Geography»

-3-й раунд-10 вопросов-« Art and literature»

-4-й раунд-10 вопросов-«Traditions»

По окончании игры жюри подводят итоги, награждается победившая команда.

Welcome to our game «Do you know Great Britain».Taking part in the game are two teams «hope» and «dream».Please, themselves...(представление команд).At the end of the game our jury will choose the cleverest team. And now lets begin the first round.


 -1-й раунд-14 вопросов-«History»

1. What is the national emblem of England? (a rose)

2. What is the national emblem of Scotland? (a thistle)

3. What is the national emblem of Wales? (a daffodil)

4. What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland? (a shamrock)

5. What is the nickname of the flag of the UK? (Union Jack)

6. What is the name of the London residence of the Queen Elizabeth it?

(Buckingham Palace)

7. What is the nickname of London’s Underground? (The Tube)

8. What is the seat of the British Government? (The Houses of Parliament)

9. What was the first name of London? (Lyndon)

10. Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? (John Bull)

11. Where is Nelson’s column? (Trafalgar Square)

12. What is the national costume of the Scottish bagpiper? (a kilt)

13. Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near their school? (a lollipop woman)

14.What is the name of the famous Royal Church in London where almost all English kings and queens have been crowned? (Westminster Abbey)


-2-й раунд-12 вопросов-« Geography»

1. What does the word «Albion», the poetic name of Great Britain? (White)

2. What is the capital of England? (London) 

3. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)

4. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)

5. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

6. How many bridges cross the Thames? (14)

7. What is the biggest city in Scotland? (Glasgow)

8. What is the highest mountain in Scotland? (Ben Nevis)

9. How many parts does Great Britain contain? (4)

10. What is the river in London? (Thames)  

11. What is the most expensive part of London? (West End)

12. Where is the UK situated? (British Isles)


-3-й раунд-10 вопросов-« Art and literature»

1. Where can you see wax figures of many famous people? (Madam Tissue’s)

2. What is the largest museum in London? (The British museum)

3. What is the first British pop-group from Liverpool? (The Beatles)

4. Where is the Britain’s National Railway museum? (in New York)

5. What is the name of the first stamp in the world? (Penny Black)

6. When was the Shakespeare born? (in 1564)

7. How many plays and sonnets did Shakespeare write? (37 plays and 154 sonnets) 

8. Where was Shakespeare born? (Stratford-upon-Avon)

9. Was Shakespeare an actor or a poet and playwright? (an actor. a poet and playwright)

10. Who is the author of Robinson Crusoe? (Daniel Defoe)


-4-й раунд-10 вопросов-«Traditions»

1. How do English people prefer their tea? (with milk)

2. Name two most typical components of a traditional Christmas meal. (roast turkey, Christmas pudding )

3. Name a typical Christmas present. (a Christmas stocking with sweets )

4. What is the name of the special New Year’s Eve song? (Auld Lang Sync)

5. What are the New Year resolutions? (Promises to change one’s lifestyle in the New Year, e.g. to stop eating too many sweets)

6. Who receives the name «the first food»? (the first visitor to enter a house on New Year’s morning )

7. What is Stonehenge used for? (a calendar)

8. What kind of presents do British people receive from Norway before Christmas? (a Christmas tree)

9. What is «to trick or treat»? (On Halloween children dress up as ghosts, go out and knock at people’s doors, shouting « trick or treat»-people give them sweets or small presents?)

10. What is the name for London taxi? (a cab)


Подведение итогов. Награждение команд. Музыка.


Приложение 1

Конкурс пословиц

Try to explain:

1. East or west.

2. Better late than never.

3. All’s well that ends well

4. Live and learn.

5. Tastes differ.

6. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

7. My home is my castle

8. Handsome is as handsome does.

9. Health is above wealth.

10. You cannot judge a tree by its bark.

11. All that glitters is not gold.

12. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

13. An early bird catches the best worm.

14. A sound mind in a sound body.

15. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

16. He who laughs last laughs longest.

17. New lords, new law.

18. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

19. A picture is worth a thousand words.

20. Never do today what you can get someone else to do tomorrow.

21. Practice makes perfect.

22. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

23. Men make houses, women make homes.

24. Truth and roses have thorns.

25. Curiosity killed the cat.

26. Score twice before you cut once.

27. Business before pleasure.

28. To be on the tip one’s tongue.

29. Fortune favors the brave.

30. Rome was not built in a day.

Опубликовано: 05.03.2015